On this page is an alphabetized list by title of documentaries teaching about our Lord and His works.
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While a few of the movies may be "Free " or "Free with Ads" on YouTube or Amazon, others may require a subscription to watch. Places like TubiTV are free to watch, while PureFlix charges a nominal fee (Totally worth it for the number of feel-good movies they have!) to watch all of their movies. Please note, that movies can be dropped by some sites and picked up by others so if the link isn't working, try a new search by title to see where to watch.
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Abigail by Grace Digital Network
Babylon: Past Present, and Future by Vision Video
37 Bible Characters Found Through Archaeology by Useful Charts
Book of Enoch by Ken Johnson
Enoch 1 Complete Ethiopian Book - NO MUSIC Version!
C.H. Spurgeon: The People's Preacher by Vison Video
Crazy Bible - Ray Comfort
Exodus 28 Breastplate & Ephod of Aaron the High Priest by Dr. Jason Eric Renna
The Fall of Jericho by Bryant G. Wood, Dr. Frederick Baltz and Joel Thede
History of Christianity by Useful Charts (Matt Baker)
History of the Jewish Temple in 3D
How to Start a Church
The Inner Life of the Cell Animation Science
Israel Tour: Holy Sites
Is Genesis History?
Jaw-dropping 666 Discovery Utterly Proves the King James Bible is God's Preserved Word
Jewish History in Six Parts by David Solomon
Know Your Enemy playlist by The Fuel Project
A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible by Christian J. Pinto
Learn the Hebrew Alphabet
Mathematical Challenges to Darwin's Theory of Evolution by The Hoover Institute
Messiah 2030
Please give 30 mins to learn what the Bible, Jesus and Christianity are actually all about
Rabbit Hole
A Race of Giants: Our Forbidden History
The Secret Code of Creation by Dr. Jason Lisle
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Volume 1: The New Atlantis | Full Movie
Seven Hills of Rome Explained by Mapograph
The Shroud of Turin: Proof of Authenticity Beyond Reasonable Doubt
The Search for the Real Mt Sinai by Bob Cornuke & Larry Williams
Solomon's Temple Explained
Theory of Everything by Trey Smith
True Legends: Giant History by Steve Quayle
Way of the Master by Living Waters
Who Was the Pharaoh of the Bible? Armstrong Institute of Biblical Archaeology