
On this page is an alphabetized list by artist's last name of all the artwork praising our Lord.

If you find any you love, please help support the artist so they can continue to make great works for us to enjoy. 

It's easy - click on the picture below - and then share it, & maybe buy a print for your home or as a gift.

 Now you can see to anytime you want & more people can enjoy these amazing creations. 

Plus the artist earns revenue & can continue creating beautiful things!

These links should take you to the official websites of the artist. 

Please let us know if any are broken or not landing on the official site. Thank you!


What's So Good About Friday?

 by Jason Dyba 

(click above to open video to hear and read poem)

Bind Up the Brokenhearted  by Sandy Freckleton Gagon

Tabernacle Offerings Chart by Anton Frey

(click above to see chart )

He Is Risen by Del Parson

My Friend by 

Helen Thomas Robson