Join me on my Mission from God to curate, share, and showcase links of the amazing collection of work of fellow Christians.
By linking directly to their sites, we hope to spread the word of their journeys and encourage them to continue spreading the Gospel of Jesus to the world!
All of our links should take you to the official websites of the artist.
Please let us know if any are broken or not landing on the official site. Thank you!
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord!
~ Psalm 150:6
I believe we should wake up every morning asking, what are we up to today, Jesus?
Hi, I'm Melanie Butcher.
I'm a recently renewed Christian.
And I get my kicks surfing the internet for
fun & beautiful ways people have found to praise and honor Jesus.
I believe the Lord has called me to curate this information
so we can easily find and share it with our friends,
share it with our family, and share it with the world.
I consider and refer to this as my "Mission From God"
(and yes, that is a Blues Brothers reference and meant in fun reverence.)
I believe God chose me, because he knows how much I enjoy going down rabbit holes and finding information.
He's simply turned my mind toward Him and away from the conspiracy theories I used to chase.
He also knows that as a bookstore owner, I have great archival skills --
He's fully aware that I like to organize and alphabetize!
This project is a joy to me, and I feel blessed to have been awarded the responsibility.
I hope you find it helpful and you will join me
in this mission to lift up those lifting up our Lord, Jesus Christ!